Occupational Health

Occupational Health Services

At Arumas we offer very comprehensive medical assessments to businesses and Organisations which are bespoke designed to ensure a healthy work environment for employees which is essential to productivity and profitability of the business. Our services help improve the health of your staff. We help prevent work related ill-health. We advise on fitness for work, work environment safety, the prevention of occupational injuries and diseases and recommend appropriate adjustments in the workplace to help people stay in work. We help improve staff attendance and staff performance of the workplace. We help promote health in the workplace and help the adaptation of healthy lifestyles. Below is a list of our services:

  • Health Services
    • The Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999(HSE 2000) requires all employers (including those who are self-employed) to assess risks arising from their work not only to themselves and their employees, but also to the general public. Risks may come from contact with certain chemicals or physical agents, or they may be ergonomic. Equally, employees are required to carry out appropriate health surveillance on employers who may pose risks.
      This legislation aims to protect the health of employees by early detection of adverse changes that may be caused by hazardous substances. Health Surveillance also helps to evaluate existing both control measures and hazards by collecting, maintaining, updating and using the data collected. Arumas Health Services supports employers by carrying out these required examinations of the employees’ work activities and then giving the appropriate advice and support. We perform examinations such as VDU, audiometry, spirometer testing and more.
  • Employment Medical Assessments
    • Arumas Health Services conducts comprehensive health screenings, making relevant recommendations, adjustments and/or restrictions needed for individuals to undertake a proposed job role.
      You may be sure that your Arumas Health Services-checked prospective employees will be comprehensively screened for your needs. Arumas Health Services assess the needs of each individual, and prepare a package tailored to his or her needs. This may include training, health counselling, referrals and more as identified in the initial assessment process.
      Our corporate package incorporates on-line screening. This is password-protected so access to records is secure at all times.
      Screening for non-NHS employment: We provide screening for administrative and non-medical staff, as well as for those working in factory or workshop conditions.
      A comprehensive health screening will be conducted by Arumas Health Services with recommendations, adjustment or restrictions required for an individual to undertake their job role.
  • Case Managements
    • The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) requires employers to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and others, who may be affected by the work they do.
      Employers may be faced with an employee or prospective employee with a health problem. This may be evident at recruitment, change of job or returning to work after illness or injury.
      Arumas Health Services have qualified occupational health advisers who will advise on rehabilitation and suitable return to work options as well as any necessary adjustments to their work role or environment, which may be deemed appropriate.
      At Arumas Health Services our employment screening is in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and all advice is impartial.
  • Work place assessments
    • Health and Safety legislation also stipulates that various risk assessments should be carried out to ensure individuals are put not at risk by their work. These include such as pregnancy risk assessments, working at height, drivers medical and many more.
      The penalties for breaches of health and safety offences have increases substantially following the implementation of the Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008.
      Arumas Health Services is able to undertake assessment for pregnant workers, night workers, for drivers medicals and many other workplace risks, and give specialist advice as appropriate.
  • Health Promotion Education
    • Arumas Health Services provides bespoke services with regards to any health and well-being issue or concern in across large and small, centrally organised and regionally administered organisations.
      We specialise in providing or recommending various programmes which can be implemented to support or empower employees to take care of their own health, and that of their families and carers.
  • DSE (Desk/Work Station Assessments)
    • Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Regulations 2002 (HSE 2003) requires employers to ensure suitable and sufficient assessment of their workstations are carried out.
      This encompasses training in ergonomics and posture, and the development of daily work routine plans. Arumas Health Services can provide competent DSE assessors to perform a thorough assessment, which would identify those risks that can affect the health of the employee.
      We will recommend appropriate ergonomic equipment and other workplace adjustments to help prevent exacerbation of any health condition.
  • Clinical Services
    • Arumas Health Services will provide a range of immunisations on the client’s premises or in our office. Clients may also request an on-site phlebotomy service, which covers all pathology services in accordance with the DoH regarding healthcare workers.
      • Employment Screening Programmes
        • NHS EMPLOYMENT SCREENING – We provide adequate and comprehensive screening as mandated by Buying Solution’s Framework Agreements. The screening is conducted by a competent NMC registered Occupational Health nurse or a GMC registered Physician. We ensure that compliance is in accordance with the latest Department of Health (DoH) guidelines. We work within the NHS Buying Solutions Framework agreements to issue Fitness to Work (FTW) certification in a timely manner with all requisite tests, immunisations and health checks.
        • NON-NHS EMPLOYMENT SCREENING – We provide comprehensive screening for none NHS medical staff, as well as NON-Medical staff in all employment sectors. Arumas Health Services will conduct a comprehensive health screening with recommendations for any adjustments or restrictions, which may be required for an individual to undertake the job role safely.

      These services are available and tailor made to fit individual business and organisational requirements. We cater for all industry sectors.